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Maintaining oral health is essential for overall wellness, and routine dental check-ups are a cornerstone of effective dental care. At Perfect Smiles Dentistry, we believe that prevention is key to ensuring a bright and healthy smile. Here’s why regular visits to the best local dentist, like Dr. Kavitha Gowda, are essential for optimal dental care.


A person’s smile is one of the first feature that you notice in his or her appearance. People with a nice, beautiful smile are naturally magnetic and likeable. Unfortunately, if you have cracked, broken or severely decayed teeth, you might be reluctant to show off one of your biggest assets.

Good news is that modern dentistry has a solution for you. If you have a cracked tooth or a tooth that is severely decayed, you could be a candidate for dental crown treatment. According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, 15 million Americans have a crown or bridge to replace missing teeth. Dental crowns are designed to protect and strengthen teeth, while also providing aesthetic benefits.

What is a dental...


Are you or your kids practicing any sports? If you are a professional athlete or you just practice sports for fun, and especially if you do any contact sports, your smile is often at risk of damage. To protect it, Everett dentists recommend that you use a proper mouth guard while enjoying your sports activities.

What is a mouth guard?

A mouth guard is a protective mouth device that covers the teeth and gums to prevent and reduce injuries. It is mostly used in contact sports but could also be a part of certain dental procedures, like tooth bleaching. Depending on their application, mouth guards can also be as mouth protectors, gum shields, gum guards, night guards, or bite splints.

Nowadays, mouth guards have become a...


Are you anxious every time you need to visit your dentist? Apparently, you are not the only one. Statistics reveal that out of 265 million US patients, 145 million experience serious anxiety prior dental visit. Further to that, nearly 15% of American adults are avoiding going to the dentist because of fear and anxiety about dental treatment.

One of the best options for overcoming anxiety and having a relaxed experience in the dental office is oral sedation. It is a great solution for all dental procedures – from simple ones, like tooth cleaning to more complicated and invasive treatments.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is the practice of using sedatives to help patients relax during dental treatment. It is often called “sleep dentistry,” although...


Are you perfectly confident with your smile? Or are you one of 50% Americans, who are not satisfied with their smile appearance? Since few of us are blessed with a naturally beautiful smile, it is not surprise than more than 50% of Americans are relying on their professional dentists to help them achieve one. One of the best and most preferred options for getting the smile of your dreams is going through orthodontic treatment. In fact, there are more than 5 million Americans, who are currently doing so.

One of the most popular methods in orthodontics are braces. But many adults are concerned about wearing them, mainly because they are visible and could cause some irritation and discomfort. To transform your smile...


Nothing is more appealing in a person’s appearance, than a beautiful, white smile. Not only it can make you look more attractive, but it has also proven to be a key to success in professional life. If you are one of 90 % Americans, believing that a perfect smile can improve your quality of live and you have discolored, uneven, or just plain unattractive teeth, you can simply enhance your smile by covering up your imperfect teeth with paper thin, attractive dental veneers.

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers (also known as porcelain veneers or porcelain laminates) are thin, custom-made shells of tooth-



Are you happy with your smile? Most Americans believe a healthy and beautiful smile is an important social asset and yet, there are more than 20 million people in the U.S. who are missing all of their natural teeth! It has been estimated that nearly 70% of all Americans, aged 35 to 44 have at least one missing tooth, and one in four over the age of 74 have lost all their natural teeth!


The above statistics are quite disturbing, as patients with missing teeth may not experience any pain or discomfort, but the loss of one or more teeth can cause jaw bone loss and other oral health issues over time. The lack of jawbone stimulation can make the jaw bone deteriorate and this can create...


You have probably often heard that sugar is bad for the teeth. We all know that eating a lot of sweets and sugary products leads to cavities, but how exactly does this happen? What makes sugar so unhealthy for the teeth?

How do cavities appear?

According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, the mouth contains hundreds of different bacteria strains. Some of them are beneficial to your body. Other aren’t. Your mouth is an ecosystem where the good bacteria balance the bad ones and keep them under control with the help of saliva. When bad bacteria feed and increase in numbers, they give off acid that destroys the enamel (the protective layer of your teeth). Cavities are nothing but bacterial infections resulted from the acid attacks. They create holes...


Brushing your teeth every day helps keep your teeth white and bright. But even so, most people are still not satisfied with their smile. The ADA (American Dental Association) discovered that 90% of the people want to improve the color of their teeth. Do you want to whiten your teeth? Here are the most common asked questions about teeth whitening process.

Why teeth change their color

Over time teeth lose their color for multiple reasons, such as:

• Foods and drinks. Coffee, red wine, and tea are some of the primary culprits. They all have intense color pigments (chromogens) that attach and enter in the enamel cracks.

• Tobacco use. There are two chemicals (tar and nicotine) which are found in tobacco...


Aging makes way for a long series of health problems, including dental problems. But age is not the sole factor that affects the oral health of elder people. In this article, you will learn about some of the issues that affect the elderly and what you should do in those cases.

Dental and oral problems

1. Darkened teeth. The interior of the tooth (the dentin) is not white. With age, the exterior of the teeth (the enamel) which is white will become thinner, showing the color of the dentin, causing discoloration.

2. Dry mouth. The dryness of the mouth is the result of reduced saliva flow, and it does not come with age. Dry mouth can be the result of cancer treatment with radiation to the neck and head, or the side-effect of certain medication. If you think medication is...


Have you ever thought how good care do you take of your teeth and gums? Think how often do you brush and floss? If you do that on a regular basis, you should be proud of yourself, as not many Americans can boast with good dental hygiene. In fact, it is less than 30% of American adults, who brush their teeth after every meal and less than 50%, who floss every day. In addition, more than 18% never floss!

Even if you are very diligent with your oral care at home, however, you still need to see a professional dental specialist at least once per year to do that extra bit more that is critical to your health, and that is professional teeth cleaning.

Why do I need a professional teeth cleaning?



A person’s smile is one of the first feature that you notice in his or her appearance. People with a nice, beautiful smile are naturally magnetic and likeable. Unfortunately, if you have cracked, broken or severely decayed teeth, you might be reluctant to show off one of your biggest assets.

Good news is that modern dentistry has a solution for you. If you have a cracked tooth or a tooth that is severely decayed, you could be a candidate for dental crown treatment. According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, 15 million Americans have a crown or bridge to replace missing teeth. Dental crowns are designed to protect and strengthen teeth, while also providing aesthetic benefits.

What is a dental...


Do you want to be more attractive and more successful in life? There is one simple solution. Smile! Research has proven that we find others more attractive when they are wearing a smile. In addition, recent studies reveal that better looking smile can make you look more successful, more employable and more attractive.

In figures, 88% of Americans believe an unattractive smile makes a person less appealing to members of the opposite sex. Furthermore, 74% of adults feel an unattractive smile can hurt a person’s chances for career success. To conclude, over a quarter of American adults believes that a better smile can improve their quality of life.

But what if you are self-conscious about your smile? Then, you should know you are not the only one. In fact, recent studies show...


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